Looking for a hint to get you back on track? You’ve come to the right place!
There are several hints for each puzzle. Each hint reveals a little more information, so start with Hint 1 and see if that helps you before going to Hint 2.
Envelope B
The seating chart is a logic puzzle. There are five pirates and five seats around the table.
Read the rules to help you figure out which pirate sits where.
There is only one possible combination where all the statements are true.
Have an adult help you cut the pirates out, so you can arrange them on the seats.
Read through all the rules. There is one statement that tells you where one pirate definitely sits. Start with that one. Then work on figuring out the rest.
Once you figure out where each pirate sits, you can use their seat numbers to open the case.
Look carefully at the case. Do you see anything on the case related to the pirates from the seating chart?
Envelope C
There are 3 items to solve this puzzle: the message, the wood pieces, and the signpost.
Do any of these 3 items seem to be related somehow? Try putting them together…
Match each wood piece to the part of the sign it belongs to. (Have an adult help you cut them out to make it easier!)
When you’re done, each location on the sign will have a number next to it.
Now you need to figure out what to do with the numbers. Is there anything on the message that relates to the sign?
The message is a math problem that requires you to multiply, add, subtract, and divide.
Replace each location with the number on the sign. Then solve the math problem!
What number do you get?
Envelope D
There are four different symbols: anchor, bottle, monkey, mouse.
Each one has a different value, or number.
The sum of the each row (across) equals the number on the right.
The sum of each column (down) equals the number on the bottom.
Can you figure out the value of each symbol?
Start with the second column down. It has 3 symbols, and 2 of them are the same!
Monkey + Monkey + Anchor = 10
What number goes into 10 twice and leaves a remainder?
There are a couple possible numbers. Test them out and see if they work with the rest of the puzzle…
Once you know the value (number) of each symbol, you can figure out the code to open the safe.
Look carefully at the safe. Do you see anything on it that is related to the symbols in the math problem?
Envelope E
The notes left in the cave tell us that the writing on the wall is a Shift Cipher. This is when all the letters of the alphabet are “shifted” over a certain number of places.
Finding out how many places is the key to solving this cipher.
Whoever left the note tried A = c (shift of 2 places), but that wasn’t right.
Is there something (or someone) in the cave that can tell you what one of the letters of the alphabet stands for? Try talking to the parrot…
The parrot tells you that A = r.
That means A “shifted” 17 places forward to take R’s place in the alphabet. All the other letters must also shift forward 17 places…
If A = r, then…
B = s
C = t
D = u
E = vContinue going down the alphabet, in order, until each letter is represented by another letter.
Then solve the message! Scan the QR code and enter the message (no caps, no spaces).
Envelope F
To be able to open this envelope, you need to have found all four clues.
You’ll also have all the pieces of the map, so put it together (you can use tape to hold it).
Each clue gives you a hint to the location of the treasure.
One of the clues tells you the treasure is not on the big island. Look at the smaller islands on the outer edge of the map…
One clue tells you to put the map location as letter first, then number. You’ll find these letters and numbers on the map, which is a grid.
For example, you would put the location of the Volcano Isle as: a4
One clue tells you that the island with the treasure does not have a name. So you can rule out Lookout Point. Are there any other islands you can rule out?
Which small islands don’t have names?
One clue says that the third letter of each clue spells a location.
If you have all four puzzles solved, find the third letter of each clue.
What four letters do you get? Do they spell a word? See if you can find this word somewhere on one of the small islands…
Envelope X
There are three “paths.” Each path is a list of words.
Do these words relate to anything else? Look at the pictures in the 3x3 grid…
Start with path 3. Use your finger to trace from the first picture, to the second picture, to the third picture.
Did tracing that path make the shape of a number?
Do the same for Path 1 and 2 and see what numbers you get…
After you trace the three paths, you will get 3 numbers. Enter the numbers into the lock on the canvas bag in front of you. Then push the button to open the bag!